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Monday, 15 September 2008

Anoman obong


Bong obong obong obong obong obong obong
Bong obong obong obong obong obong obong

Caritane wayang Ramayana
Ing Negara Ngalengka diraja
Ratu buta Rahwana raja
Gawe geger nyolong Dewi Sinta

Anoman si kethek putih
Sowan taman Sinta dijak mulih
Konangan Indrajit lan Patih
Ning Anoman ora wedi getih

E lha dalah Ngalengka diobong ( diobong 2X )
Togog mbilung wa a o padha pating domblong
Omah gedhe kabeh dadi areng ( dadi areng 2X )

Dasamuka nangis gereng-gereng
I o a e, ae, a i o a e
I o a e, ae, a i o, i o, a e


Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire
Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire

The story of Ramayana’s puppet
In the country of Alengka diraja
King of The Titan Rahwana
He made commotion who kidnapped princess Sinta

Anoman The White Monkey
He visited garden to invite Sinta back home
Catch out by Indrajit and The Governor
But Anoman wasn’t afraid the blood

Wow Alengka was fired ( was fired 2X )
Togog shout wa a o they were very amazed
All the big houses become charcoal ( become charcoal 2X )

Dasamuka was cried so hardly
I o a e, ae, a i o a e
I o a e, ae, a i o, i o, a e

1 comment:

  1. cafid....



